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Sustainability as a Way of Business : 2023 Bulk Wine & Spirits Industry

Photo for: Sustainability as a Way of Business : 2023 Bulk Wine & Spirits Industry

An important insight at IBWSS will be that sustainability involves the 3Ps: People, Planet, and Profit.


The solar panel looks over at the wind turbine and asks, “What do you think about renewable energy?” The wind turbine replies, “I’m a big fan!” With that joke and a few laughs from the audience, Martin Reyes, MW kicks off his talk about sustainability at the IBWS Show organized by Beverage Trade Network.  

IBWSS stands on 4 main pillars: Bulk, Industry Progress, Private Label, and Supply Chain. 

Of these, Sustainability seems to have been the hot topic for Industry Progress for years, and it only gets deeper in 2023. 


Martin Reyes, MW

“There are marketers that are looking for products that can differentiate themselves by being truly sustainable. Customers are looking for sustainable products that are more clearly identifiable. The brand loyalty gained by being sustainable itself leads to increased sales and profits.”

- Martin in IBWSS 2021

A great, practical question from the audience was:

Stepping into sustainability seems like a daunting task, if there was one task that I could begin with that would give me the quickest ROI, what would you suggest that would be?

Martin’s Answer: Energy audit, and in that focus on refrigeration. That will pay for itself right away. And when you are done with that, you would want to do a water audit as that translates itself to energy savings and money savings as well. So, those are the first few things I would do.  

Full talk here: The Big Deal about Sustainability (ibwsshow.com)

Jo Watkins

When thinking about sustainability, we need to look after communities, the planet, and the profit of our business because the survival of the business is paramount to implementing sustainable practices. If being sustainable doesn’t count towards the bottom line of the business, it will not be something that businesses can actualize, no matter how strong their altruistic intentions are. 

Jo Watkins, Export, Sales, and Marketing Director of Watkins Grape + Wine strives to stay at the top of the wine industry and marketplace. 

She says that the Australian wine industry is innovative and that it is currently following 4 key global market trends: e-commerce and digitalization, sustainability and organic, new packaging formats, and low/no alcohol. 

Full article here - Sustainability is The Way of Future — Says Jo Watkins (ibwsshow.com)

Sustainability is The Way of Future says Jo Watkins

Image: O’Neill Wines

Kryss Speegle MW, from the Speaker Line up at IBWSS 2023 is Senior Director of B2B at O’Neill Vintners & Distillers. 

As indus­try leaders, they are seri­ous about their goal to become a ful­ly sus­tain­able oper­a­tion and started their Sustainability Initiative in 2017. They also received the offi­cial Cer­ti­fied Cal­i­for­nia Sus­tain­able Vine­yard & Win­ery cer­ti­fi­ca­tion from the Cal­i­for­nia Sus­tain­able Wine­grow­ing Alliance.

What they are doing for conservation :

1) Jack­et­ed and insu­lat­ed stain­less steel tanks

2) Decreased nat­ur­al gas usage in the dis­til­la­tion process

3) Recap­tured ethanol emis­sions from stor­age warehouse

4) 500,000 glass bot­tles saved from plants

5) Sourc­ing recy­clable, light­weight bot­tles and pack­ag­ing materials

Notably, they also worked with BioFil­tro to con­struct the largest worm-pow­ered win­ery waste­water sys­tem in the world, capa­ble of fil­ter­ing more than one mil­lion gal­lons of waste­water per day. A key com­po­nent of our ongo­ing com­mit­ment to sus­tain­able prac­tices, BioFiltro’s patent­ed Bio­dy­nam­ic Aer­o­bic (BIDA®) Sys­tem enables to har­ness the diges­tive pow­er of Cal­i­for­nia red wrig­glers to recy­cle up to 80 mil­lion gal­lons of water a year. These worms will con­vert the nutri­ents from the waste­water into worm cast­ings, a soil amend­ment sought after by grow­ers for its micro­bial activ­i­ty, nutri­ent lev­els, and abil­i­ty to improve soil health.

Read more here :  (oneillwine.com)


“As things continue to move towards creating a sustainable brewing industry, brewers are now more than ever aware of the implications that they are placing on the environment,” notes Chris Anderson, Head of Brewing Operations for BevZero. “By utilizing a full recovery system, GoLo creates almost no waste product.”

Read more about how BevZero Equipment Reduces Impact Due To Climate Change. 

Matthew Hughes, Director of US Operations at BevZero will be a speaker at IBWSS 2023. 

Grab the Super Early Bird Offer valid only until January 31, 2023, for just $299, and get VIP Networking Cocktail Party Passes complimentary. 



Image: InnerStave

Unlike coopers, Innerstave’s milling capacity allows us to use nearly every usable part of barrel-quality wood from an oak tree. By cutting around knots and using our various oak formats – from chips to blocks to staves – we have redefined the term “barrel quality” to include the entirety of our precious natural resources.

Hear Jason Dodge, or ask questions at the 2023 International Bulk Wine and Spirits Show San Francisco Speaker (ibwsshow.com).

Register today: https://ibwsshow.com/en/tickets/2023-international-bulk-wine-and-spirits-show-visitor-registration/

Written by Stuti Khetan, Beverage Trade Network

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